Healthy Living Exercise Health

Tips and Benefits To Consider Incorporating Daily Walk to Your Routine

During the lockdown, my sister and I decided to improve our lifestyle and eating habits. Firstly, we began with daily evening walks and sometimes in the morning. Also, we incorporated daily workout plans, healthy meals and healthy supplements to our routine.

I believe when you wake up in the morning, movement might not be what you first think of. But starting your day with a walk whether it’s around your neighborhood or part of your back and forth to work or school, it can offer your body a great amount of health benefits.

Today I will be sharing Tips and Benefits to consider Incorporating Daily walk to your routine.

1. Increase your Energy Level

Yes! starting out your day with a walk will give you more energy throughout the day. More especially when you walk outdoors.

Research has shown that adults who walked daily for 20 minutes outdoors experienced more vitality and energy than those who walked for 20 minutes indoors.

2. Complete your Physical activity for the day

Another benefit of walking in the morning is that you’ll complete your physical activity for the day before any other member of your family, work, or school obligations derail you.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that healthy adults should complete at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Try to complete a 30-minute walk 5 mornings a week to meet these requirements.

3. Aid weight loss Journey.

Walking in the morning could help you meet your weight loss goals. Walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes can burn up to 150 calories. Combined with a healthy diet and strength training, you may find you lose weight.

4. Walking helps You think More Creatively.

Yes, I could attest to this. Last summer in school, I had a group presentation to work on, after hours of thinking, gathering information and practice I still felt I was doing the norm, I just want my presentation to stand out. That evening I took a walk back home from school instead of using a cab and vola! I got inspired. Yes I had creative ideas on the task and we did excellently well too.

Survey shows that walking opens up a free flow of ideas, which may help you problem-solve better than if you’re sitting or remaining sedentary. This is especially the case if you walk outdoors.

The next time you have a morning meeting or brainstorming session, I strongly suggest that you take that walk!

5. Improve your mood

Do you know that recent study has proved the physiological benefits to walking in the morning, too. A daily walk may help you:

  • Improve self-esteem
  • Boost mood
  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Ease restlessness
  • Ease depression symptoms
  • Avoid your risk for depression

For best results, try walking for 20 to 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.

6. Improve mental clarity.

A morning walk can aid your mental clarity and ability to focus throughout the day. A recent study discovered that amongst older adults, those who started their days with a morning walk improved their cognitive function, compared to those who remained inactive.

7. Helps Prevent or Manage Existing Health Issues.

Walking offers you numerous health benefits, including boosting your immune system, as well as preventing and helping you manage various health conditions.

Studies show that walking for 30 minutes per day can reduce your risk for heart disease by 19%. If you manage diabetes, walking may also help lower your blood sugar levels. It can even help increase your life span and reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

8. Helps You Make Healthier Decision throughout the day

Starting your day with a walk could set you up to make healthier descision throughout the day. After your walk, you could feel more energized and less sleep-deprived.

When your energy drops or you’re tired, you’re more likely to reach for comfort snacks or energy boosters. Walking in the morning may inspire you to choose a healthy lunch and snacks in the afternoon.

9. Include it in Routine!

To get the best result, set out clothing for your walk the night before. Leave your socks and sneakers by the door so you don’t have to look for them in the morning.

Get a Pedometer to help you keep track and get you motivated, Yes a pedometer is an instrument used to measure the number of steps and provide an estimate of distance walked.

Also, try to set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier so you can get in at least a 20-minute walk in the morning. Look for a nature trail nearby or just walk around the neighborhood.

Find a Family member or a friend or co-worker to walk with in the morning. Chatting and working together can help keep you motivated.

You could check plans or walking apps( pedometers) to get you motivated on App store on or Google Play Store on your device!

Check the Next post for Tips and How to start your walk routine

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