How to Beauty Healthy Living

How to Effectively Grow Your Hair in 4 weeks!

Hair growth has been one of the most challenging and interesting journeys I ever embraced recently. To effectively grow your hair, you have to set a routine to follow; consistently and patiently, understanding your hair type as well as understanding what products work best for you.

Oftentimes, you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to make your hair grow faster. Do any products help? Can meal changes speed up growth? Are they effective supplements or treatments?

In this article, I will share what worked best for me in terms of growing my hair fast and restoring lost edges after trying many brand products on my hair.

How to Effectively Grow Your Hair Health January 21, 2025

Fun Fact On How the Hair Grows

Do you know that we were all born with all the hair follicles we’ll ever have that’s around 5 million to be precise

Based on research from the American Academy of Dermatology [1] (AAD) over 100,000 follicles are on our scalp. And when it comes to hair loss or breakage, the AAD says it’s normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day.

The hair grows from a root at the bottom of a follicle under the skin. The blood in the scalp goes to the follicle and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the hair root, which boost hair growth.

According to the AAD, as the hair grows, it will push through the skin and pass by an oil gland, it is the oil from this gland that makes our hair shiny and soft.

While genetics plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair growth, several other factors also come into play.

However, there is no magical potion or remedy that will result in instant growth, there are steps one can take to effectively grow their hair.

1. Observe What Works Best for You

Yesssss! you ought to observe what works best for you when you’re on this hair growth journey, personally, attaching braid extensions or rubber chunks on my hair for styles leaves my scalp irritated and itchy. So I avoid any form of that. For some people, some products can be their savior while for others a total disaster.

Observing what works best for your hair is very important because it will save tons of stress and money.

2. Invest In Hair growth Oil

Some essential oils serve as stimulants used to enhance hair growth. Some essential oils not only smell nice and captivating, but they also help to promote hair growth.

Research suggested that [2]   a daily dose of 400 mg of pumpkin seed oil in capsule form resulted in an increase in hair growth for men. At about 24 weeks later, the men who took pumpkin seed oil experienced a 40 percent increase in hair count.

While another research suggested that [3] about four groups of mice were given a different hair treatment. The treatments consisted of saline, jojoba oil, 3 percent minoxidil, or 3 percent peppermint oil.

The study found that the group given peppermint oil showed the most hair growth. This recorded a significant increase in dermal thickness, follicle number, and follicle depth.

However, research [4] has also shown that rosemary oil may be just as effective as minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine, at restoring hair growth.

3. Massage Your Scalp Daily

I found out that a scalp massage can help promote relaxation and relieve stress. Also, according to small research [5] carried out in 2016, it was discovered that hair scalp massage can also help boost the growth of your hair.

This study examined the effectiveness of daily, 4-minute scalp massages. After about 24 weeks, the researchers observed that the nine men involved in this process had thicker hair than at the start.

It is also believed that a scalp massage can help dilate blood vessels beneath the skin. This, in turn, may lead to thicker, stronger hair which is less likely to break off or become damaged.

You can get a professional scalp massage or indulge in a do-it-yourself massage at home by using both your index and middle fingers to gently massage oil into your scalp.

4. Eat Healthily!

Yeah, healthy meals can boost hair growth, meals or supplements with specific vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are very vital for our general health and they also play a vital role in offering the body the energy needed for hair growth. They includes:

  • biotin
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • zinc
  • iron
  • omega-3 and omega-6

It was discovered [6] that taking omega-3 and omega-6 supplements daily for 6 months can help protect against hair loss. However, you might experience some amount of weight gain.

Another data from a study suggested that low zinc levels can play a key role in hair loss.


While genetics does play its role in hair growth, there are other several other factors also that come into play. Additionally, while there is no magical formula for instant hair growth, there are, however, steps you can take to effectively boost the growth of your hair.

Having healthy meals that include key nutrients as well as the right amount of protein is key. Using certain products and treatments may promote hair growth, while cutting back on heat treatments and chemical processing can help, too.

If you are so much concerned about hair loss or facing trouble in getting your hair to grow, you may want to talk with your doctor about why this may be happening.

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