Fruits Healthy Living Nutrition Recipes

15 Best Vitamin C Food You Should Consider for Next CookOut!

If there’s nothing I would never forget in a hurry, it would be how vitamin C has saved me from reoccurring allergies I get after cleaning or being exposed to dust. I consumed lots of Vitamin C from fruits majorly and supplements while I was home, as interesting as it was, It aided me when I got back to my school hostel.

That amazing evening I got back, I was contemplating if I should clean my room or get someone to do it for me, (because of dust actually) yeah I got in the game, cleaned, and tidied everywhere up before I proceed to shower and rest.

I didn’t experience any form of sneezing or irritation. This is one of the numerous amazing benefits of consuming Vitamin C.

Vitamin C has great functions as an antioxidant and also carries out a major role in protecting the immune system as well as reducing the risk of [1] several chronic diseases. Vitamin C can also aid individuals with iron deficiency anemia, to enhance the absorption of rich iron foods.

According to experts, the recommended [2]dietary allowance for a healthy adult is about 75 mg of vitamin C daily for females and 90mg for males.

Let’s dive in further to read more on food rich in vitamin C. This food list only includes great sources of vitamin C that meet 10-20% or more of the required daily value.

15 Best Vitamin C Food

1. Oranges!

best vitamin c foods

As it should be darlings! oranges are the greatest source of Vitamin C, here in Africa, we have them in abundance, and it is a must-have tree plantation in every family house. My grandparents have three orange plantations, my grandmother would ensure we take orange juice after meals and most especially during the winter season to boost the immune system.

Oranges are packed with micronutrients. A medium-sized orange contains about 70mg of [3]vitamin C, making it an exceptional source as it offers 78% of the daily value.

2. Kiwi

best vitamin c foods

The kiwi fruit is sour refreshing and beautiful fruit. It can be used in yogurt cakes and deserts. People with diabetes can consume these fruits and it’s a great source of vitamin C.

Kiwi contains about 64mg or 71% of the [4]daily value of vitamin C in a medium kiwi serving. Varieties like golden kiwis contain even more vitamin C, making them a brilliant source of the micronutrient.

3. Strawberry

Strawberry Tea pot 1 Health January 21, 2025

Strawberries are beautiful and soulful! they can be used in preparing tea, cake decorations, or serve as flavors. Strawberry yogurt parfait topper is rich in vitamin C, a half-cup sliced strawberry offers 49 mg or over 50% [5] of the daily value. They have a rich antioxidant capacity and offer a dose of filling fiber too.

4. Green Bell Pepper

best vitamin c foods

Although green bell peppers don’t show off as much vitamin C as their red species, they still provide about 60 mg in a half-cup serving which provides 67% of [6] the daily value. They pair great sautéed with fajita veggies or make a perfect sturdy veggie for dipping.

5. Grapefruit

Who doesn’t love a vibrant citrus fruit that contains almost 39 mg of [ 7] vitamin C or 43% of the daily value in half of a medium grapefruit? Eating an entire one and you are close to hitting your daily vitamin C dosage for the day. The juice sapped from grapefruit itself also has a bit of vitamin C, just be sure to look for a written “100% Grapefruit Juice” with no added sugar or zero sugar.

6. Mango

best vitamin c foods

Mango is a refreshing and soothing tropical fruit that is just as nutritious as it is delicious. 3/4 serving of mango pieces packs contains  45 mg of [8] vitamin C or half your day’s worth. Additionally, it is a great source of folate and copper.

7. Fresh Tomato

Adding these juicy red tomato slices to your daily lunch sandwich is going to do some good for your body. A medium-sized tomato pack contains 17 mg of [9] vitamin C or 19% of daily requirements, making it a great source of micronutrients. Also cooking tomatoes, like in sauce or stews, can increase the amount of lycopene this is a potent antioxidant found in tomatoes that the body can absorb.

8. Guava

best vitamin c foods

This alluring tropical summer fruit is rich in so many antioxidants and has an inviting refreshing flavor. Guava contains 126 mg of [11 ]vitamin C, making it an exceptional source of nutrients. The best part about guava is that the skin is edible too!

9. Lemons

best vitamin c foods

Lemons are beautiful and are part of the citrus family, one lemon contains 34 mg of [12] vitamin C. Squeezing lemon juice on bean salad balances the flavors in the dish and help better absorb the non-heme iron from the beans.

10. Spinach

best vitamin c foods

Spinach is also a great source of vitamin C. 1/2 cup of cooked spinach contains 10% daily [13] value.

11. Cabbage

best vitamin c foods

Cabbage is a low-calorie veggie that is nutrient-dense, and a great source of vitamin K and vitamin C. A half-cup of cooked cabbage contains 28 mg of [14] vitamin C or 31% of the required daily value.

12. Brussels Sprouts

best vitamin c foods

Brussels Sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable, part of the family that includes broccoli and cauliflower, and are packed with nutritional benefits. A 1/2 serving cup of cooked Brussels sprouts can give up to 48 mg or 53% daily value [15] of vitamin C.

13. Kale

best vitamin c foods

If you desire to transform a super green vegetable into soup or cool ranch chips, kale is an incredibly versatile food that can be incorporated into practically any meal of the day. Just one cup of kale contains 23 mg of [16] vitamin C, making it the perfect nutrient-dense base for that lunchtime salad.

Image Source: GETTY IMAGES/from the web

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